MasterMind Circle

Efficient MasterMind Methodology (120 minutes)
State your issue. (20 sec. each)
Decision. Which question/issue to select. (top 3, group)
Overview. Detail the issue. What did you try? (5 min.)
Question time. Get more info (50 min. in total, group)
Stating the issue again. Refined
Advice. (group)
Feedback about the advice.
Action Plan. (group)

Roles: Moderator, drives the conversations. Timekeeper, makes sure the timing is respected for each item. Meeting Minutes Master, writes down what has been said by everybody and sends the minutes to all participants within 24 hours. (It's a good idea to do it on a computer during the MasterMind.)
Frequency: The MasterMind circle should commit to come together once per month. A fixed date works best. Eg.: every 1st Monday evening of the month at 19:00 until 21:00.
Location: Quiet place without distractions of any kind. (Children, GSM, co-workers, partner, TV, radio, Internet browser...) This could be done at a participants home/work or an external meeting room.
Participants: A group of 8 motivated people from different sectors is ideal.
"The bridge of success is never crossed alone."